The Pueblo County Treasures office is responsible for identifying, classifying, and determining the market value of all taxable real and personal property within a jurisdiction, essentially assigning a value to each property for the purpose of calculating property taxes; their primary function is to ensure fair and equitable distribution of the tax burden by accurately assessing property values across Pueblo County. For a more in-depth discussion take a look at the Colorado Department of Local Affairs website.
I recently wrote an article about how taxes are calculated, see How Property Taxes are calculated for a condensed, concise discussion of how property taxes are calculated.
Important Dates
January – tax notices are mailed out in January and you should receive your statement no later than Feb 1. If you haven’t you need to contact the assessors office (contact information is further down in this article).
Feb 29 – this is the date when the first half of the payment is due.
June 15 – the second half of the payment is due.
April 30 – if you wish to pay the taxes in full it is due earlier than the June 15th deadline.
Interest accrues at 1% per month for late payments. If a deadline lands on a weekend, you will have until the next business day to pay.
2023 Statistics
76,985 Original notices
14,116 delinquent notices
2731 Parcels
1950 the number of parcels sold at the Tax Lien sale.
$205,762,205.56 – Total Tax Rate
100,814 – total number of parcels
2023 Tax Lien Sale – October 16, 17, 2023
$2,272,299.58 – Total dollars sold at dale
$184,806.57 – Total dollars collected with premium bids
223 – number of registered investors
15% – 2023 Tax lien sale interest
$2,291,134.74 – Interest earned for 2023
Did you know?
The Pueblo County Treasures office responsibilities include:
- Mailing property tax statements to the owner of record
- Collecting property taxes and distributing taxes to the taxing authorities (school district, towns and cities, etc)
- Receiving, investing and maintaining correct and proper accounting of all monies for Pueblo County
- Distributing funds for the obligations of Pueblo County on the orders of the Board of County Commissions
- Administering the Tax Deferral Program for Seniors in Pueblo County
- Processing abatements, tax roll collections, Certificated of Taxes Due, and redemption payment
- Providing manufactured home Authentication Certificated for manufactures homes changing ownership or moving
- Advertising delinquent property taxes and conducting the Annual Tax Liens Sale Administering the endorsement of tax liens
- Processing application for Treasurers Deeds
Pueblo County Treasures Office
215 W 10th St
Pueblo, CO 81003
(719) 583-6015
Website – Treasurer’s Office | Pueblo County